Italy in Sudan

The Ita­lian week in Sudan of foot­ball and lan­gua­ge could not have a bet­ter start …
More than 400 chil­dren at the Suda­ne­se Foot­ball Asso­cia­tion to meet the ita­lian foo­ball coa­ches and pro­fes­sors of lan­gua­ge that will train dozens of them throu­ghout the week.
T-Shirts, caps, smi­les, pics, and joy for all!
Atta­ched the enti­re week pro­gram­me and a few ima­ges of the celebration.
This week friend­ship bet­ween Ita­ly and Sudan wins.
This week har­mo­ny, bro­the­rhood, team­wor­king, heal­ty com­pe­ti­tion and ethics win…
An enti­re Ita­lian week, dedi­ca­ted to suda­ne­se chil­dren, bright hope for a bet­ter future!

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